Respecting Perspectives

Unveiling Perspectives Through Art & Adventure

AwallArtist Season 1 Episode 1

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Imagine a world where every note of music is a stepping stone to self-awareness and personal growth. Join me, Andrew AWALL, as I invite you into my universe of melodies and introspection on the Respecting Perspectives podcast. Together, we unravel the intricate connection between the art of creation and the journey toward understanding oneself and others. We'll navigate the vibrant landscape of differing viewpoints, much like the diverse influences that music brings to our lives. This episode will illuminate how appreciating everyone’s inherent artistry, whether they recognize it or not, enriches our shared experiences and fosters collaboration.

Ever wonder how stepping beyond your comfort zone through travel can ignite new perspectives and growth? We'll explore how travel, imagination, and a supportive network can be transformative forces. Contemplate the balance between the yearning for change and the familiarity of the present, as we discuss the push and pull of indecision and the necessity of pausing for clarity. Drawing inspiration from influential ideas such as those found in "As a Man Thinketh," this episode seeks to inspire with the notion that our inner world deeply resonates with the universe, guiding us through times of uncertainty with resilience and a fresh lens.

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Speaker 1:

You know, around the world. I mean, think about it 8 billion people all watching this right now. Maybe one day, action. You're here. We're here together.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Respecting Perspectives podcast. My name's Andrew AWALLA Cornwall, the artist that you haven't heard or seen of yet until right now. I got the team here at the Watermelon Room and I want to welcome y'all. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for being here with me. We're going to dive into so many different topics and discussions and forethoughts and afterthoughts and perspectives that you didn't even know were out there.

Speaker 1:

Man, the journey has been amazing. It took a lot to get here. Lots of planning, preparation and think about all the things that had to happen before you could even be here. There was a time where there was a caveman in a freaking cave hunting and look where I'm at right now. I mean I guess you could call this hunting in a way, but I'm searching. I'll tell you that Always will be. That's a lifelong thing and throughout this podcast I will search for meaning, search for answers, probably even come up with more questions than answers, but at least we're trying. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Music is my heart and soul. You're going to hear me talk about that a lot, because it has led me throughout life and has gotten me here today always loved to sing and to write poems and paintings and everything I could get my hands on. Art class was my absolute favorite and I was always that kid in class who I had to make everybody laugh and it was just something that I just liked everybody when people were laughing, everybody was just kind of coming together in a way. You know you were present. Think about that, like when you're laughing, you know you're like you really like present. And as I grow up I start to see different points of view and aspects of things and that's what this is for to highlight and throughout this podcast you're going to hear about some of the songs I've written. By the way, I'm a songwriter, lyricist, hip-hop, r&b, some soul. I love a little bit of everything honestly, anything that can get me in the feels. You know. Used to play the trombone, used to play a little bit of the drums year in high school. The violin when I was like six years old, I played the violin for like five or six years and that's where my love for music really kind of sprouted. Took me a while afterwards, too, to figure that out, I didn't really think about how important that music theory, and just the, the repetition, was going to be such an integral part of my life. So grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

Respecting perspectives, man. Let that sink in. What's that mean to you? Well, you know, to respect something, man, it means to have love and admiration for something. You can respect all different things, walks of life, respect, it's earned. You know you got to earn that. Earn that, keep. It ain't just going to come. You know so many people think it's just going to overnight. Now you know what I'm trying to work for it, because it'll be. It'll be that much more worth it in the end. For sure. Makes me think, though, you know. Do you respect yourself? Let me ask that one more time. Do you Respect yourself? Let me think on that. Do you respect yourself, do you? What about y'all?

Speaker 2:

Man man.

Speaker 1:

Let that be the mantra Respect yourself, because guess what, if you can't respect yourself, how do you expect to respect others? Just expecting respect out here? And then let's, let's bridge a little bit off that you know perspectives. What is a perspective? It's a different view. It's a different view. It's a different. It's a different thought. It's a different scene. It's a different feel. It doesn't actually need to be a camera, you know. It can be anything. I love drone shots. It can be anything. I love drone shots Because you get that perspective you don't normally get to see. It's kind of like my mind, though. It's kind of one over here, one over there. Which one's going to get the best view, well, that's up to you, but until you see other perspectives, you're not going to understand where they're coming from, and it's going to help you understand the world. I know it's helped me understand the world and to even dig a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

I'm a musician, an artist, a songwriter, and Respecting Perspectives was my first EP that I dropped last year, and I had been working on that for a year or two. A bunch of different producers from around the world, bringing some guys together. Bringing some guys together got a guy from India got a guy from California, from New York, all different walks of life just coming together to kind of help y'all understand where I'm coming from or at least give you a better view of it or a different view, even a bad. I guess there's no such thing as like a better view. You know, sometimes you just got to look up, got to look around man. Let me give you a little bit more. On my background I have about a hundred notebooks with lyrics and actually we'll have a segment where we go through some of those and even involve y'all with some of the creative and the writing process. I would love to do that. That's what this is all about seriously Bringing y'all in on the creations themselves.

Speaker 1:

And don't worry, even if you don't consider yourself creative or an artist, guess what? Every single living thing is a form of an artist. Right, okay, I've seen Things blow in the sand and make a picture, you know, just paint fall On the canvas. But I'm trying to be a little more direct with it With the respect thing, can you be honest with yourself? It might not be the best feeling to say something that maybe hurts or doesn't feel good, or maybe even something that you you know, character, trade or whatever. Take a breath, get your thoughts together, just be honest with yourself every now and then, you know, take some time to really think about it. Think about the truth, the honest truths. What are some truths out there? Let's see, a truth for me is that I'm always going to be learning. I will never know everything. I may think I do. I know a few people who think they know everything I may think I do. I know a few people who think they know everything. But this is really just me opening up and I hope you can do the same. And anytime I tie music to something I want you to think to yourself.

Speaker 1:

You know what is your music? Everybody's got their version of that thing that drives them. You know what gets you up in the morning and not just gets you up but keeps you up, gets you going to that first cup of coffee. You know, gets you going to that first step at work. I know I work a nine to five. I fix heaters and air conditioners. I don't even talk about that. I got people who've been around me like 10 years and they're like wait a second. You know, I think I need to just talk about the normal stuff too, you know, because that makes me who I am. Also. Normal stuff too, you know, because that makes me who I am also. They give you a good point with that Fixing somebody's heater. Gosh, I can be like Superman to an older lady. You know what I mean. They walk in and she's got blankets on her and I can come in, go downstairs, move a few things, voila On.

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I can't figure everyone out, but it's always a challenge, it's always something new and that's pretty cool. I never thought that that would even be a thing. I went to school here in Baltimore at Loyola and then went to Stevenson after that and I didn't even know what the heck I wanted to do. The whole time I'm in college, just like bouncing around. I have so many friends and family members who went through the same thing. That's normal. Think about that. That's normal. Like, think about that. Okay, that's normal.

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And I slowly started to realize that, like, communication was my thing. It was my jam. Just talking to people, just a little out loud with it. You know, got to get a little loud with it. Okay, ask yourself questions. I pride myself in being that type of person who asks the questions that most people don't ask and it can seem kind of maybe off-putting or out of left field every now and then, but I think just to even ask those questions is important. I think just to even ask those questions is important. Never think you know it, because there are a lot of smart people out there and hopefully we'll be able to have some on here.

Speaker 1:

Throughout my life I have tried to embrace change. We're creatures of habit. We get through and through. Each day it's a groundhog's day, you know. Not trying to live like that, you know, trying to change it up, switch it up a little. You know, take a different route to work, put a different channel on. You know, jam some AWOL artist, get with me, feel me. I'm just trying to speak to myself. My songs are lessons to myself. You know, do this, don't do that. Remember this. My music is a man. My music is a way for me to prove that I was here. How are you proving that you're here and you don't? You don't got to prove to nobody but yourself. You know, and you got to Prove, man, think about that. Let's think. You know we're going to do that too. I'm going to get a word and, man, I'm just going to think on that. Words, man, that's the craziest thing. You figure them out, take you anywhere in life. You become one with your word, impeccable with your word.

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We'll dig into that book a little bit, the four agreements, how that's helped shape me and the way that I've thought recently. You know there's times where I have to kind of go back skim a little bit, like you know what. Oh man, that made a lot of sense, and sometimes it don't actually. What am I saying? Most of the time it don't Actually. What am I saying? Most of the time it don't make sense. But who's it supposed to make sense to? You know? I mean there's a purpose for you. I know that because I feel mine, I found mine and I'm here, we're here. I want to help you find yours. You know you're going to have to try some things. You're going to have to practice. You're going to have to try some things. You're going to have to practice. You're going to have to fall, get back up, dust your knees off. You know. You know, hop back on Till the fat lady sings. Man, let's take a second. Think about that purpose thing. Think about what's.

Speaker 1:

What are your passions? You know, I think one of my first passions Was traveling, just like seeing different things. You know, when I was a kid, I was always that kid that was like is staying over at other places. I was always like I don't know if this is going to work, until I got like a certain age, maybe like 25 or something like that. But you know, once I started traveling, I then was able to see what else was going on out there. You know, back to the whole perspective thing. You know, think about all the places in the world right now. You couldn't even think about this If you tried your damnedest to visit every single place here on earth. It's not even possible, not even near possible. Once I got out of Baltimore and saw what else was out there man, that was out there, man, phew, that was eye opening and I didn't even have to do anything, just had to go there. It was already there, Shit's out there. You don't even have to do anything Except go there.

Speaker 1:

You know, think about close your eyes. You know, think about that one place you always wanted to visit but you never got to yet. Just picture yourself there right now, you know. And why is this place so important? And it can even be somewhere you've been before. You know what makes that spot the spot. Then you open your eyes and guess what? You're somewhere totally different, totally new. You know the fact that we can just close our eyes and be somewhere else for a fraction of a second. I mean that's pretty cool, you know.

Speaker 1:

Think about when you're dreaming. You know throughout that time where do you go, where do we go? Makes you think. You know some of it feels really familiar. Sometimes it doesn't it like feels foreign. You know what I mean. Like that feeling, like you know what I mean. Like that feeling like you know you've never been there before, but like you're not scared but you're also not familiar either.

Speaker 1:

And now, when I'm in a new spot or a new place or I'm traveling, I love to not know where I'm at. Like looking down a street and seeing that place for the first time of my life. Like this place exists. This place exists over here. You know, and that place you thought about in your mind, you can be there, you can go there.

Speaker 1:

You might have to put some things into place, some planning, some preparation, but once you do, it's on. Say it with me, it's going to be a journey. Think about what is a journey, a trek, an expedition Don't stop believing Takes you somewhere. It takes you on a journey, man. Again, music is going to do that for me. I can put on some music and that'll take me somewhere.

Speaker 1:

A time machine Time machines exist, all right. You just got to find it. You just got to know how to work it. You just got to know how to work it. It'll take you a while. Some people don't even figure it out. I want you to think about this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, some people go through life, their whole life, without even figuring themselves out, let alone what's around us. Don't be one of those people. It's not going to be easy either. Anything that Is worth doing and requires that much time and attention and sacrifice, sacrifice what are you going to sacrifice in order to get where you want? And I don't want to sound preachy either. Okay, I'm talking out loud. You know there will be times probably where, like in in my head, I feel like I'm preaching or something, but I don't want to do that. Just opening up, just being honest. Back to that Talk about a network, building a network, man, because I've been building, building baby, steady building, although I mean, there were times where I built that house, a glass and I was playing rock and roll loud. A glass and I was playing rock and roll Loud.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Start over, build it even nicer the next time. You know what I mean. Got some extra leg room, got a .5 bathroom over there, got a finished basement, got the stew, but it's all glass and guess what. You already know and that's okay, that's cool, as long as I'm willing to try again. I mean, I know that sounds cliche as heck Try Trying again. Did you even try a first time? How you going to try again? You didn't even try a first time, but you had to practice. You know what I mean From that point point, thousands of times, before that becomes

Speaker 1:

natural. You know what is it that feels natural? Is life natural? You know? I mean we got Mother Nature around

Speaker 1:

us. That's the wildest thing too, because all the things that are happening around us with the world, things that are happening around us with the world, things growing and falling and burning and bridging Ebb and flow, when it really comes down to just being centered, you know you got your two shoulders here, but you got to stay centered. Think of being self-centered. I think it's like it can mean a few things too, isn't that wild one that's centered in their self? I mean that sounds like a good way to go. But then when you hear about someone being self-centered, you know really that it's just that center that they think about ago. But then when you hear about someone being self-centered, it's just that center that they think about. They don't really think about anything on the outside, when those viewpoints on the outside here are going to help you understand what's going on inside. I think you know I'm just out here guessing, but it feels good, feels good to do so, and I'm going to do a quick reading from as a man Thinketh, one of my favorite books

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ever. If you don't have it, get it. Change your life. What you are, so is your world. Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience. It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything which you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly. All that you positively know is contained in your own experience. In your own experience. All that you ever will know Must pass Through the gateway Of experience and so become part Of

Speaker 1:

yourself. And, as a little surprise, I'm going to perform my latest track, breather. Check it out, cause I don't wanna go, but I don't wanna stay here, neither Don't know what to do now. I can't help that. I'm a dreamer, can't make up my mind, keep telling myself I don't need her, don't know who to call, sometimes Think we need a breather. Yeah, this life is such a strange thing, crazy, with some pain bring, always with the same sting, maybe why I've been a little off lately. She been at my neck kinda hasty Little times to ourself. Can't hurt, won't hurt. Gotta dig takes work to self-search. Yeah, first, both deserve the opposite. Or worse, had to switch things up, flip it and reverse. Moving, floating, traveling Sometime. Moving floating traveling.

Speaker 1:

Sometime Drifting through the through the through the.

Speaker 1:

Cause I don't wanna go. But I don't wanna stay here, neither Don't know what to do now. I can't help that. I'm a dreamer, can't make out my mind, keep telling myself I don't need her, don't know who to call, sometimes Think we need a breather. Gotta, leave left, take a break, breathe. Gotta, leave left, take a break, breathe. Gotta, leave left, take a break, breathe. Gotta, leave left, take a break, breathe, cause I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay, don't know what to do, I don't want to go, I don't want to stay.

Speaker 2:

Don't know what to do. Can't make up my mind, cause I don't want to. I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to. Don't know what to Don't know what to Don't know what. To Don't know what to Don't know what to don't know what, to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think we need a breather breather, breather.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry,